Natureworks recently released a new version of their Ingeo PLA, 3D850, and it has fully won me over. I've always preferred PLA over ABS because PLA doesn't have the fumes, warping, or build plate adhesion issues that are often part of an ABS print. That said, the natural toned but yellowish hue of 4043D has been something I've had to get over. 3D850, by contrast, has much better clarity, which when printing something translucent, is exactly what you want. Other than that, 3D850 extrudes and prints very similar to 4043D.
Natureworks states that they engineered their 3D850 PLA to have an improved crystallization rate over 4043D, which means that you should in theory be able to lay down layers faster. I have personally never needed any improvement over 4043D in this regard, but I also don't print at particularly high speeds. The 3D850 Technical Data Sheet details improved numbers across the board over 4043D with regard to flexural strength, tensile strength, and heat resistance. I do plan on doing some testing on these in the near future along with some side by side calibration prints, the results of which I'll share here.
Ultimately and practically, I think that the strongest suit of this polymer will likely prove to be its clarity. Here at Filabot we're getting set to release a line of translucent pigments, which when added to 3D850, are sure to produce the purest, brightest tones possible for your projects. Not that you need to add pigment to 3D850 for it to be awesome - this 3D printed Halo sword project by the Adafruit guys would be perfect in 3D850!