Filabot Reclaimer Updates

Filabot Reclaimer Updates

This is an update about the Filabot Reclaimer. We are still moving along with the progress of the reclaimer. We are finalizing the last of the aesthetic touch-ups to the product as well as adding to the leg support. We have started to work with our assembly and fulfillment company to wrap up a few remaining items.

We have finished up wrapping and shipping solutions. Standard carriers can ship the reclaimer.   

Lastly, we have a question for the reader. Currently, with the Reclaimer, we are trying to find solutions for a regrind catch. The goal is to find a solution that can successfully catch the most materials. We are looking to storage bags, they are low cost, reusable, and can be vacuumed sealed. This, of course, is one path, if you, have any suggestions let us know! We are happy to hear any suggestions.

Thank you,

The Filbot Team


Tanya Taylor

Tanya Taylor

Could you use the resealable vacuum space bags. Some are thick and durable. This would be an easy fit for most.

Could you use the resealable vacuum space bags. Some are thick and durable. This would be an easy fit for most.

Alice Wexler

Alice Wexler

Dear Filabot
Any more recent updates about the reclaimer

Dear Filabot
Any more recent updates about the reclaimer

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