#3DThursday: Chantel's Practical Prints

#3DThursday: Chantel's Practical Prints

We hope your Thursday has been going well! This week we're featuring some prints that our newest employee, Chantel Wilkin, has made either for her desk or some of the photos you've seen on our social channels. 

Chantel has never been someone interested in 3D printing. Which is to say, she never knew she'd be into it, until we hired her. 

She's printed this card holder for our new business cards (boo-yah): 

And on her desk sits a pen holder: 

Modest, certainly. But for her it's all about time.

"I'm just thinking about the things I need, the practical stuff that works for me when I need them. Would having a 3D printer at my disposal been pretty cool when I was in college? Yes. But now I'm just trying to figure out what I need to print when I print it. Perhaps a part or two for my lacrosse equipment? I don't know!" 

I agree. Who knows what I would have printed in college but I sure created enough waste to print a lot. Whoops. 

She's also been printing and coming up with some of our marketing images. Shifting through the failed prints we get in the mail, and just trying to get a hang of her new position as one of our marketing strategists. She's doing pretty great so far. 

Anyway: how was your #3DThursday? What have you printed recently? Let us know! 

Thanks for reading, 
The Filabot Team 

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