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3d recycling
University of Utah Update: Chair Prints with Recycled PETG Filament Part 2
For the final project with the Design of University of Utah Digital Assemblies class, students were tasked with a chair design that incorporated recycled PETG filament, compounded with color pigme...

3d recycling
University of Utah Update: Chair Prints with Recycled PETG Filament
For the final project with the Design of University of Utah Digital Assemblies class, students were tasked with a chair design that incorporated recycled PETG filament, compounded with color pigmen...

3d Recyling
University of Utah Update: Chair Experiments with Recycled PETG Filament
We're back to posting the University of Utah/ binary collaboration posts on Filabot after several weeks on Massive Dimension. If you haven't read the last few posts, please click th...

3-D Printer
University of Utah Update: Testing - Large Format Prints
Going forward the posts related to our collaboration with binary and the University of Utah will be posted only on the Massive Dimension website as Massive Dimension products will b...

3-D Printer
University of Utah Update: Prototyping - Test Prints (Desktop)
Building off their form explorations, using prompts such as Aleatory Methods, Protest as Form, and For Loops, activity for the MDD Digital Assemblies class now turned to physical prototyping of the...

3d recycling
University of Utah Update: Form Exploration - Aleatory Methods
Students were grouped and tasked with exploring form using 1-2 of the following design prompts: Material Arcs, Protest as Form, Tactile Communication, Fascination, For Loops, and Aleatory Methods.

3d Recyling
University of Utah Update: Material experimentation (additives)
MDD Digital Assemblies students were asked to select a material additive by following one of three design prompts: color study, sound/acoustic study, and scent study.

3d Recyling
University of Utah Update: Pre-Experimentation Experimentation
To prompt the MDD Digital Assemblies students - and satiate some of our own curiosities - professor Milad Mozari and Matt Sutton of binary initiated some experiments using powdered additives spanni...

Filabot/MD, binary, and University of Utah MDDP Collaboration
For the fall 2020 semester at the University of Utah students of Ditagal Assemblies be using tools such as the Filabot EX2 filament extruder, the Filabot Pelletizer, and the Massive Dimension Direc...