#filamentfriday: TC100 heat, impact, and chemical resistant

#filamentfriday: TC100 heat, impact, and chemical resistant

Introducing: Filabot Live Reading #filamentfriday: TC100 heat, impact, and chemical resistant 2 minutes Next Our New System: Filabot EX6

In our last #filamentfriday we reviewed LE100 a rubber-like material. This week we extruded and printed with this new TC100 material, from SK Chemicals.  Supposedly this material is can be used as a replacement for Polycarbonate and has many of the same features. Our data from SK Chemicals is lacking some key information, such as what types of chemicals it is resistant to, and what properties are similar to it and PC. Even with this lack of information we did our extrusion testing, and print testing. If you saw our live video we have a test going where we are testing a TC100 print in a jar with Acetone, and another print in a chemical called Tetrahydrofuran. Tune in next week for the update on that on our Filabot Youtube Channel.

The TC100 worked great in our Filabot EX2 extruder. Printing tolerance filament was extruded and spooled without any problems. Josh found that the best temperature for extrusion on the extruder was 200°C. With the extruder at medium extrusion speed.

Printing with the TC100 had a few false starts, mostly due to issues with the first layer not sticking. Once that was solved the material printed really well. Josh found this fish, Ed, on thingiverse.com. Shoutout to “NICKLIEVENDAG” for the great design!

To print this material you should have an all-metal hotend as the temperature is in the higher range.

Printer Settings

Nozzle Temperature: 260-280°C - prints hot!

Bed Temperature: 70-80°C

The material prints really well, and has great layer adhesion even on “Ed’s” fins, where normally these small parts would be fragile.

Overall we are happy with how this material extrudes into filament, and we are happy with how the material prints. But we would like to see more information on the chemical resistant properties.

Until next time, Happy Printing!

The Filabot Team

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