#TechTuesday: NEW Filabot Airpath

#TechTuesday: NEW Filabot Airpath

Plastic is a Problem Reading #TechTuesday: NEW Filabot Airpath 1 minute Next #3DThursday: Everything, The Kitchen Sink

Is it as cool as an Iron Man suit? No. Does it remind you of a hover board from Back to the Future? Maybe. Is it just as exciting? For us, absolutely. 

Introducing the Filabot Airpath. 

This device uses forced air to cool extruding filament and reduce the space between your Filabot and Spooler when you're extruding. We've had many customers ask about a device like this and we're pumped to deliver. 

Supporting and cooling the filament quickly is paramount to reduce deformations and improve consistency. The Airpath is an answer to these problems and woes! 

This week we'll be officially launching this product on our online store and on Amazon! Ask us questions. Check it out! For those of you who have been reaching out on a product like this, this is for YOU!

The Filabot Team

1 comment

Chad Z. Dawson

Chad Z. Dawson

This looks SO AWESOME! Congratulation on the new product!

This looks SO AWESOME! Congratulation on the new product!

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